Women's Bible Study Teacher Equipping Day: You Are Enough . . . You Are Not Alone. Are you currently leading a study or hoping to, then join us for a morning to be equipped and encouraged to share God's Word with confidence. Saturday, February 22, 8:30 - 11:00 AM at the Wausau Campus, Rm B6. A light breakfast will be available and of course coffee! Hope to see you there. Contact DeeAnn Westerhaus (deeannjw@gamil.com, 608-617-1857) if you have any questions.
Bad Girls of the Bible and What we can Learn from Them by Liz Curtis Higgs – Reading a more modernized fictional version of Bible stories about women of the Bible to help us relate to the women God used in His story. Then, we will dive into the real Bible story of each woman. We will learn how God graciously offers His grace to all no matter how bad! Led by Becca Borchardt (608‑633‑3042; Rebecca.m.borchardt@hotmail.com) and Megan Pickens (901-438-2521; meg.pickens@gmail.com). This class meets March 5, 19; April 2, 16, 30; May 7 on Wednesday mornings 9:00 – 11:00 AM. Please purchase the book online or at a bookstore. Childcare is available. Childcare cost: $20 for one child; $25 for two children; $30 for three children or more. To secure a childcare spot please sign up, at time of registration, by Feb. 26.